Farm to Table: Building Local and Regional Food Systems

Food Safety

SARE Outreach
Abby Massey | 2015 | 4 pages

Farmers, processors and aggregation and distribution facilities need to stay up-to-date with new rules and regulations on food safety. Take a look at the links below for information on how to stay compliant with food safety regulations.

Penn State Extension website

Farm Food Safety

This website provides educational resources for farmers interested in learning about GAPs. Some materials available in Spanish. Download File (2.28 MB)  

Good Agricultural Practices

Fact sheets from North Carolina State University on GAP certification and insurance coverage options for vegetable producers.

People walking around a farmers market

Good Agricultural Practices

This guide from North Carolina State University provides growers with a framework for them to develop their own food safety plans.

Farmer pointing to an apple tree

Good Agricultural Practices Program for New Mexico

This website includes workshop/training and educational information on GAPs.

Farm and Food Management safety guide cover

Mobile Poultry Processing Unit Farm and Food Safety Management Guide

Food safety information for mobile poultry processing units or stationary on-farm facilities.Download File (3.00 MB)

Harlequin bug on a leaf with a farmer in the background

Organic Horticulture Training for the Southeast

An interactive website to help ag professionals develop successful organic education programs.

Different fruits and vegetables set up at a farmers market

Understanding Food Safety

This document lays out permitting requirements and safe food handling practices at farmers markets. Download File (467.42 kB)

video series on effcient and safe food handling processes

Video Series: Efficient and Safe Food Handling Processes

Low-cost techniques that help farms reduce labor needs and expenses during harvest, wash and pack. 

working with your food safety inspector webinar

Working With Your Food Safety Inspector

How food safety inspectors and small scale processors can work together to meet regulations. 

Additional Resources

The following resources, which were not funded or produced by SARE, contain valuable information.

A Farmer's Guide to Food Safety and Conservation (Facts and tips from the Wild Farm Alliance)

FDA Produce Safety Standards

Grading, Certification and Verification (USDA-AMS information on fresh fruit and vegetable audit programs) 

National Good Agricultural Practices Program (Cornell University)

On-Farm Food Safety Project (Create a customized food safety plan at

Produce Safety Alliance (Updates, opportunities and research on food safety from Cornell University)

Small and Very Small Plant Outreach (compliance assistance and educational materials for meat, poultry and egg processing plants by USDA-FSIS)