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Showing 1-10 of 395 results news farmer-led-innovation-improves-aquaculture-production-and-ecosystems-in-new-england

Farmer-Led Innovation Improves Aquaculture Production and Ecosystems in New England

Southern New England’s climate offers ideal conditions for producing bay scallops—a sustainable seafood option that also diversifies aquaculture enterprises. However, an important challenge in bay scallop farming is access to nursery systems that can efficiently raise scallops to maturity before transferring them to grow-out environments. With support from a Northeast SARE Farmer grant, Dr. Daniel […]

Center for Educational Growth (CFEG) YouTube Vid Cover news launching-virtual-and-live-youth-sustainable-educational-agriculture-program

Launching Virtual and Live Youth Sustainable Educational Agriculture Program

ST. CROIX, Virgin Islands The Center for Educational Growth (CFEG), an education-based nonprofit organization and hybrid school that offers online and in-person courses for students headquartered in the U.S. Virgin Islands, received a $50,000 Research and Education grant from the Southern SARE (SSARE) program to develop a virtual and in-person youth sustainable education agriculture program […]

A straw hat on a news northeast-sare-provides-print-resources-to-amish-farming-communities

Northeast SARE Provides Print Resources to Amish Farming Communities

Northeast SARE is continuing to explore new markets and audiences through our centering and belonging work. Here at Northeast SARE, we focus on sustainable agriculture and assist in supporting the region's nutritional and textile needs while partnering with our environment and all living organisms comprising our ecosystem. Through our sustainability efforts, we strive to protect […]

Mushrooms in glass jar on news urban-mushroom-symposium-held-by-uga-urban-ag-center

Urban Mushroom Symposium held by UGA Urban Ag Center

GRIFFIN, Georgia – On Friday, March 7, 2025, Southern SARE participated in a first-time University of Georgia (UGA) Mushroom Symposium with 132 attendees including producers, growers, controlled environment agriculture professionals, and mushroom enthusiasts. Organized by the UGA Center for Urban Agriculture and held at the UGA Griffin Campus student learning center, attendees learned from research presentations, […] news partnership-helps-ohio-farmers-increase-revenue-and-production-efficiency

Partnership Helps Ohio Farmers Increase Revenue and Production Efficiency

Without access to processing facilities, Midwestern specialty crop farmers often miss out on the opportunity to transform their surplus harvests into shelf-stable, value-added products that bring in revenue year round. Jeanine Seabrook, founder and owner of Glass Rooster Cannery in central Ohio, received two North Central SARE Farmer Rancher grants to partner with local farmers […]

SSARE Sustainable Ag news education-grant-program-awards-for-fy2025-announced

Education Grant Program Awards for FY2025 Announced

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) program has announced the proposals selected for funding for the 2025 Education Grants program.  The SSARE Administrative Council recently selected 13 projects totaling $640,116. The Education Grants program allows applicants to conduct education and outreach activities for the benefit of the greater sustainable ag […]

SSARE Sustainable Ag news on-farm-grant-program-awards-for-fy2025-announced

On-Farm Grant Program Awards for FY2025 Announced

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) program has announced the proposals selected for funding for the 2025 On-Farm Grants program.  The SSARE Administrative Council recently selected 10 projects totaling $297,089. The On-Farm Grants program provide opportunities for agriculture professionals working directly with farmers and ranchers on sustainable agriculture efforts. The […]

SSARE Sustainable Ag news producer-grant-program-awards-for-fy2025-announced

Producer Grant Program Awards for FY2025 Announced

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) program has announced the proposals selected for funding for the 2025 Producer Grants program.  The SSARE Administrative Council recently selected 14 projects totaling $269,728. The Producer Grants program enables farmers and ranchers to test a sustainable agriculture idea using a field trial, on-farm demonstration, marketing […]

SSARE Sustainable Ag news research-and-education-grant-program-awards-for-fy2025-announced

Research and Education Grant Program Awards for FY2025 Announced

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) program has announced the proposals selected for funding for the 2025 Research and Education Grants program.  The SSARE Administrative Council recently selected 11 projects totaling $4,368,067. The Research and Education Grants program encourage a systems approach to sustainable agriculture. They are mainly designed for […]

Brennan next to Hope speaking at KBFC 2025 in news urban-agriculture-initiatives-in-kentucky-empowering-communities-and-driving-research

Urban Agriculture Initiatives in Kentucky: Empowering Communities and Driving Research

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky Tiffany Bellfield El-Amin, the founder and director of the Kentucky Black Farmers Association (KBFA), leads the Urban BIPOC Farms Mentoring Program through a Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) On-Farm Research grant. The grant involves three urban farmers in different parts of Kentucky, each with unique soil conditions and farming practices. The […]