SARE’s Professional Development Program (PDP) provides training, grants and resources for ag professionals to build their awareness, knowledge and skills related to sustainable agriculture concepts. PDP opportunities are intended for a wide range of professionals, including:

- Cooperative Extension Service
- Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- Farm Service Agency (FSA)
- the private sector
- NGOs
The PDP program includes two key components: competitive grants awarded at the regional level for the development of training curricula, outreach efforts, communications projects and similar work; and a network of state coordinators, working part-time for SARE in each state and island protectorate, who hold workshops and field days to share sustainable practices and research results, provide travel scholarships for ag professionals to attend training events, and generally serve as sustainable agriculture resources in their state.
Professional Development grants
Grants are administered at the level of each SARE region. Learn more about grant opportunities and the application process.
State Coordinators
SARE coordinators in every state and island protectorate are charged with training agriculture professionals in sustainable practices and sharing SARE project results with them.
Learn more about the state coordinator program here or visit our regional pages to find state coordinators in your state:
North Central | Northeast | South | West

The SARE Fellows Program
The SARE Sustainable Agriculture Fellows program enhances understanding of sustainable agriculture through broad-based training and hands-on exposure to successful and unique sustainable agriculture operations nationwide.