Contact Us

If the information below does not answer your question, we would love to hear from you! For general inquiries, contact SARE by email at For technical issues, contact

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can SARE grants be used to fund projects outside the United States?

No. SARE grants may only be used to fund projects within the United States and its island protectorates.

Can I use a SARE grant to begin a farm?

No. SARE grants are intended for projects involving research and education. A small percentage of SARE funding may be used to purchase the materials required to conduct a research or education project, but generally SARE funding cannot be used to make large purchases for land, equipment or capital investment. For more information, please contact your SARE regional office.

To learn about other funding opportunities, refer to the book Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities or visit's Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program program state coordinators are available to answer your questions and to help you with programs that may suit your needs.

I have an idea for a grant project. How do I learn more about SARE grants?

Visit the Grants page to see what types of grants SARE offers, and what type might be most appropriate for you. SARE grants are administered by its four regional offices. If you have in-depth questions about SARE grants, please contact your SARE regional office.

How can I learn more about the educational resources available through SARE?

All educational resources are available in the Resources and Learning section of our website, and are organized by resource type and topic. Resources are also accessible via site search, located in the upper right of this page.

In addition, visit the projects database and search through the thousands of project reports that have been submitted by SARE grantees over the years.

Where can I get more information about ordering publications, such as bulk discounts?

Please visit the SARE WebStore.

Do you ship books and bulletins to international addresses?

No. SARE ships materials only within the United States and its island protectorates. You may, however, download free digital copies of our publications.

How can I watch a video on your website if I have a slow internet connection?

Here are some tips to help manage long load times:

  • Start the video and then immediately click pause. Wait for the video's progress bar to load before resuming.
  • Many videos found on the SARE sites are hosted on YouTube, Vimeo or other websites. Learn how to watch videos on YouTube at lower video quality settings, which can make them load faster.
  • SARE videos are not available for download because hosting sites such as YouTube do not offer a download feature. If you prefer to download, many third-party software programs are available that allow you to download YouTube videos. Note that file sizes can be very large.