Showing 61-70 of 89 results

Trained Sheep Grazing Vineyard Floor
According to researchers, training sheep to have a food aversion is a simple process. However, there are important steps to follow to improve the strength of the aversion. This fact sheet describes the aversion training process.
Greenhouse Energy Conservation Strategies and Alternative Fuels
Includes curriculum materials, extension bulletins, resource lists, and a greenhouse energy model that were developed with the intention that educators can use the materials in full or part to deliver programming on energy management and conservation for greenhouse production.

Design and Construction of a High Tunnel in West Virginia
Detailed information on hoop house or high tunnel construction, with specific considerations for West Virginia.

Farm Stay U.S. Website
This farmer-created, consumer-oriented website lists hundreds of farms and ranches around the country that offer accommodations.

Season-Long Strawberry Production with Everbearers for Northeastern Producers
This 70-page guide outlines profitable production techniques and research on everbearing strawberry varieties, including information on both field production and the use of high tunnels for season extension.

Youth Renewing the Countryside
Smart, young people are returning to the roots of American Agriculture-- roots steeped in a tradition and culture of diversity, quality and respect for the Earth. Full of brilliant color photographs, Youth Renewing the Countryside shares remarkable stories of young people in each state changing the world through rural renewal. Produced by Renewing the Countryside in […]
Good Agricultural Practices
Fact sheets from North Carolina State University on GAP certification and insurance coverage options for vegetable producers.
Developing Successful Organic Horticulture Farms: Practical Training for Ag Professionals
A series of Power Point presentations developed for ag professionals on the principles of organic farming, building soil quality, and managing weeds, pests and diseases.

Small-Scale Biogas Technology
This website has information on technology for turning organic waste into biogas for small-scale, on-farm energy applications.

Guide to Designing a Small Red Meat Plant
Learn how to construct, expand or upgrade a locker-type meat plant.