Showing 71-74 of 74 results

Cover Crops for All Seasons
This Virginia Association for Biological Farming information sheet provides research-based information on a cover crop “toolbox” from which growers can select cover crops most suited to their regions and production systems.

Cover Cropping: On-Farm, Solar-Powered Soil Building
This information sheet gives an overview of how to use cover crops to maintain good levels of nutrients and organic matter in the soil.

Greenhouse IPM with an Emphasis on Biocontrols
This in-depth manual was designed to help commercial greenhouse growers implement biological control and integrated pest management (IPM).

12 Aprils Grazing Dairy Program
Tom Trantham's Twelve Aprils grazing program has been part of three Southern Region SARE projects. Tom has influenced scores of experienced and beginning dairy farmers through presentations at conferences and magazine stories. This online manual addresses the most often asked questions about his system.