Showing 101-110 of 193 results
Winter Storage Options for the Northeast
To help farmers in the Philadelphia area learn about various winter storage options, the nonprofit Fair Food conducted site visits of well-established winter storage operations in Pennsylvania, Vermont and Quebec.
Organic Production of Blackberries in High Tunnels in West Virginia
The objective of this season extension project was to evaluate the feasibility of growing blackberries organically within a commercial high tunnel or hoop house in central West Virginia, including pest management, cultivar and management considerations.
New York Farmer Uses Hanging Gutters to Utilize Overhead Space in Hoop House
This project looked at increasing the productivity and cost effectiveness of growing more crops in a hoop house by utilizing the overhead space through innovative design.
Developing an Energy Efficient, Solar-Heated Greenhouse in Maryland
This project investigated the effectiveness of energy-efficient greenhouse design and the ability of water-heating solar panels to heat a greenhouse as a propane alternative.
Safe and Profitable Oil Production Fact Sheets
Information on edible oil production for small-scale producers.
Farm Food Safety
This website provides educational resources for farmers interested in learning about GAPs. Some materials available in Spanish.
Farm to Hospital Toolkit
Tools farmers and hospitals can use to increase direct hospital purchases from local producers.
Creating Farmer Networks: A Toolkit for Promoting Vibrant Farm Communities
This toolkit provides information and resources needed to create a successful farmer network. It is intended for farmers, extension agents, community organizers, and other agricultural professionals.
Profitable Poultry
Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a guide to raising chickens and turkeys using pens, movable fencing and pastures.
Grafting for Disease Management in Organic Tomato Production
In this webinar, learn about tomato grafting and how it can be used to manage diseases in organic open-field and high tunnel farming systems.