Showing 121-130 of 155 results

Crop Rotation on Organic Farms
Crop rotation strategies that can be applied under various field conditions for conventional or organic crops to improve soil quality and health, and manage pests, diseases, and weeds

Land and Power
Renowned experts' articles, essays and poems offering historical and contemporary Black perspectives on sustainable agriculture.

Guide to Designing a Small Red Meat Plant
Learn how to construct, expand or upgrade a locker-type meat plant.

Small-Scale Biogas Technology
This website has information on technology for turning organic waste into biogas for small-scale, on-farm energy applications.
Developing Successful Organic Horticulture Farms: Practical Training for Ag Professionals
A series of Power Point presentations developed for ag professionals on the principles of organic farming, building soil quality, and managing weeds, pests and diseases.
Good Agricultural Practices
Fact sheets from North Carolina State University on GAP certification and insurance coverage options for vegetable producers.

Clean Energy Farming
Clean Energy Farming: Cutting Costs, Improving Efficiencies, Harnessing Renewables features innovative SARE-funded research and examples of farmers who are improving energy efficiency while saving money, implementing farming practices that both save energy and protect natural resources, and producing and using renewable fuels.

Biodiesel Safety and Best Management Practices for Small-Scale Noncommercial Use and Production
This publication reviews some of the accepted practices associated with small-scale biodiesel production to make it a safe, environmentally sound practice that generates a quality product.

Sustainable Food Purchasing Guide
This guide was written to help institutions determine how to source more sustainable food options.

Selling at a Farmers Market
This plain language guide guide explains how to begin selling at a farmers' market, including choosing a market, applying for space, designing displays, setting prices, making sales and keeping records.