Showing 141-150 of 155 results

Financing the Farm: Applying for an FSA Loan
This plain language guide has information on the types of FSA loans available, and includes instructions for applying and developing a business plan.

Guide to USDA's NASS End of Season Fruit and Vegetable Inquiry
This plain language helps farmers complete the USDA-NASS End of Season Fruit and Vegetable Survey. The guide explains the survey's purpose and step-by-step instructions for completing the forms.

Using Manually Operated Seeders for Precision Cover Crop Plantings on the Small Farm
This information sheet describes research in Virginia on using inexpensive, manually operated seeders to establish consistent cover crop stands.

Cover Crops for All Seasons
This Virginia Association for Biological Farming information sheet provides research-based information on a cover crop “toolbox” from which growers can select cover crops most suited to their regions and production systems.

Cover Cropping: On-Farm, Solar-Powered Soil Building
This information sheet gives an overview of how to use cover crops to maintain good levels of nutrients and organic matter in the soil.

Integrated Pest Management for Varroa Destructor in the Northeastern United States using Drone Brood Removal and Formic Acid
This bulletin focuses on the management of the parasitic honey bee mite Varroa destructor (V. destructor) in the northeastern U.S. It contains information that will allow a beekeeper to: 1) identify V. destructor, 2) recognize the symptoms of mite infestation, 3) determine pest densities, and 4) implement an effective IPM program for keeping mite populations below the economic injury level.

In-House Composting in High-Rise, Caged Layer Facilities
This fact sheet describes research on composting manure inside of the buildings housing laying hens. Research showed that the addition of a carbon source coupled with frequent aeration of compost in a layer house produced temperatures high enough to inhibit fly reproduction in the material, and odor problems are diminished.

How to Direct Market Your Beef
How to Direct Market Your Beef portrays how one couple used its family’s ranch to launch a profitable, grass-based beef operation focused on direct market sales.

Manage Insects on Your Farm
While every farming system is unique, the principles of ecological pest management apply universally. Manage Insects on Your Farm highlights ecological strategies that improve your farm’s natural defenses and encourage beneficial insects to attack your worst pests.

Greenhouse IPM with an Emphasis on Biocontrols
This in-depth manual was designed to help commercial greenhouse growers implement biological control and integrated pest management (IPM).