Newsroom Page: 12

Showing 111-120 of 380 results

Cover of farmer well being report, featuring two hands planting a seedling in news planting-seeds-of-help

Planting Seeds of Help

Despite years of experience, fifth-generation flower farmer Leroy Hardy was facing foreclosure on his farm near Sedley, Virginia. To navigate the financial crisis, Hardy reached out to Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI) for mediation assistance, and he emerged with his assets intact. So when RAFI, the Land Loss Prevention Project (LLPP) and the National Center […]

National Cover Crop Survey Report cover news new-cover-crop-survey-data-challenges-assumptions-on-role-of-incentive-payments

New Cover Crop Survey Data Challenges Assumptions on Role of Incentive Payments 

Adapted from the Conservation Technology Information Center: A new national survey report has found that the vast majority of farmers who use cover crops don't need incentive payments to continue with the practice because of how much they appreciate its value to their land and business. According to the National Cover Crop Survey, incentives play a key […]

Beekeeper holding honey bee news southern-sare-producer-grant-call-for-proposals-released

Southern SARE Producer Grant Call for Proposals Released

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Call for Proposals for the 2024 Producer Grant Program, intended for farmers/ranchers and farmer/rancher organizations throughout the Southern region, is now available from the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) program. Proposal submission deadline is November 10, 2023 at 12 p.m. (NOON) EST.  Announcement of funded proposals will take place […]

SARE Fellows tour VSU Mobile Meet Processing news virginia-hosts-national-sare-fellows-tour-and-training

Virginia Hosts National SARE Fellows Tour and Training

The sustainability of farms and food-related businesses can be affected by many agricultural, social, ecological, financial, and cultural factors and issues that can vary from state to state and from region to region. These issues range from market access and development needs to production challenges, lack of food system infrastructure such as aggregation and processing, […]

okra plants in news exploring-algal-blooms-as-biofertilizer-in-vegetable-production

Exploring Algal Blooms as Biofertilizer in Vegetable Production

MIAMI, Florida – Algal blooms, which can grow excessively on lakes and other slow-flowing bodies of water, are an environmental, ecological, economic, and social problem. But Florida International University (FIU) researchers are seeking to reverse those issues by using the microscopic organisms as biofertilizer in agricultural crops. Agroecologist Krish Jayachandran and Earth and Environment post […]

Woman holding leafy greens in a news farmer-and-sare-grantee-featured-by-united-nations-for-her-millet-production

Farmer and SARE Grantee Featured by United Nations for Her Millet Production

Minnesota farmer Naima Dhore is starting to grow millet–a resilient cereal grain grown widely in semi-arid regions of the world–because she has an eager market in the large East African communities of the Minneapolis area. It’s part of a broader pattern for Dhore, who migrated to the United States from Somalia as a child and […]