Newsroom Page: 13

Showing 121-130 of 380 results

cover crop news professional-development-program-grants-now-being-accepted-3

Professional Development Program Grants Now Being Accepted

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Call for Pre-proposals for the Southern SARE Professional Development Program (PDP) Grant is now open. The Professional Development Program is a “train the trainer” program, providing funding to agricultural professionals to train Cooperative Extension agents, USDA field personnel, and other ag professionals and educators in areas of sustainable agriculture production practices. […]

a cluster of grapefruit on a news zeroing-in-on-nutritional-needs-to-more-effectively-manage-citrus-greening

Zeroing in on Nutritional Needs to More Effectively Manage Citrus Greening

FORT PIERCE, Florida – Maintaining optimum tree health has become the top management strategy for Florida citrus growers in combating citrus greening, and University of Florida researchers are working to hone in on a tree’s nutrient needs for more timely and targeted fertilizer applications. Lorenzo Rossi, a plant root biologist with University of Florida Indian […]

Western SARE logo with an icon of farm fields and a sun in green and news recently-funded-projects

Recently Funded Projects

Western SARE has funded 77 projects for 2023. These 77 projects totaled $7,363,082 in funding for six programs: Research and Education, Farmer-Rancher, Professional + Producer, Professional Development Program, Graduate Student Research & Education, and Research to Grassroots. Projects were funded in 14 states and protectorates. Example topic areas include: Overall, To review summaries of all […] news new-sare-video-ecological-weed-management-at-terra-preta-farm

New SARE Video: Ecological Weed Management at Terra Preta Farm

Understanding the biology of weeds is key to managing these troublesome pests using ecological principles. Cultural practices such as crop rotations and cover crops paired with smart cultivation have helped many farmers successfully manage weeds while reducing or eliminating herbicide use. In three new videos from SARE, Shakera and Juan Raygoza share their experience controlling […]

Cover of Farming with Soil Life book featuring boots on the ground, showing soil and a few insect news new-book-farming-with-soil-life-a-handbook-for-supporting-soil-invertebrates-and-soil-health-on-farms

New Book: Farming With Soil Life: A Handbook for Supporting Soil Invertebrates and Soil Health on Farms

Smart farmers know that healthy soil hosts a flourishing and diverse ecosystem of bacteria, fungi and invertebrates. But the complex relationships between soil life, productivity and resilience are not well understood. Now available from the Xerces Society and SARE, Farming with Soil Life: A Handbook for Supporting Soil Invertebrates and Soil Health on Farms is […]

SARE logo featuring a yellow setting sun and two green hills with contour news sare-seeks-projects-for-sustainable-agriculture-outreach

SARE Seeks Projects for Sustainable Agriculture Outreach

Do you have an idea for an educational product or outreach initiative that could help farmers or ranchers improve their profitability, environmental stewardship and/or quality of life? Maybe a suggestion for filling an information gap that is hindering the adoption of sustainable practices? SARE Outreach wants to hear from you today! SARE Outreach is seeking recommendations for information products […]

Live microalge cultured in news culturing-live-microalgae-to-improve-nutrition-in-bait-fish

Culturing Live Microalgae to Improve Nutrition in Bait Fish

FORT PIERCE, Florida – Algae, zooplankton and other microscopic organisms are such a vital component of commercial fish hatcheries as a high protein food source that aquaculturists are always looking for ways to optimize their culture for higher fish nutrition and improved growth performance. One aquaculturist in south Florida received a Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research […]

limpograss growing in a news warm-season-limpograss-bridges-the-forage-gap-for-fall-grazing-in-florida

Warm Season Limpograss Bridges the Forage Gap for Fall Grazing in Florida

MARIANNA, Florida – For Southeast ranchers interested in grazing their beef cattle year-round, winter is the most challenging season for finding supplementing feed after warm-season grasses, like bahiagrass, decline in the fall, but before cool-season forages (oats or rye) are ready in the winter. University of Florida researchers have found a perennial grass that will […]