Newsroom Page: 13

Showing 121-130 of 377 results

SARE logo featuring a yellow setting sun and two green hills with contour news farmers-share-your-thoughts-on-cover-crops-in-the-national-cover-crop-survey

Farmers: Share Your Thoughts on Cover Crops in the National Cover Crop Survey!

Farmers are invited to share their thoughts on cover crops in an online survey at Why do you plant cover crops...or why don't you? What do you want to know? Your insight will help guide research, communications, seed development, and more. This National Cover Crop Survey is the seventh since 2012 conducted by the USDA-NIFA […]

Scrabble tiles spelling out the word news the-biggest-asset-is-you

The Biggest Asset Is You

Utah State University (USU) Extension professor Josh Dallin had just wrapped up a presentation about livestock before an audience of farmers and ranchers, and he asked if there was any other information his listeners needed. The response was surprisingly out of the ordinary. “One of our largest cattle producers raised his hand and said, ‘I’m […]

legume cover crops with cattle grazing in the news legume-cover-crops-have-potential-as-a-nitrogen-and-forage-source-in-semi-arid-west-texas-2

Legume Cover Crops Have Potential as a Nitrogen and Forage Source in Semi-arid West Texas

SAN ANGELO, Texas – Farmers in west Texas are eyeing legume cover crops as a nitrogen and forage source to fill fallow periods between dryland, no-till wheat and cotton crop rotations. But finding the best fit for the area’s environmental challenges is proving tricky. So Texas A&M University researchers are working with farmers to develop […]

Student placing compost in news young-scholar-enhancement-grants-ssare-sustainable-agriculture-stem-social-sciences

Young Scholar Research Projects Introduce Students to STEM and Social Sciences

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Grant program (SSARE) is giving young researchers an opportunity to learn more about sustainable agriculture. Through the James Harrison Hill, Sr. Young Scholar Enhancement Grant program, high school and undergraduate students are working alongside researchers on SSARE-funded projects, ranging from pollinators to nutrient management to […]