Newsroom Page: 18

Showing 171-180 of 400 results

Gil Giese and farm manager in news reasons-to-like-wine

Reasons to Like Wine

Reasons to like wine Number 462: It can be good for New Mexico’s native bees and other pollinators. Even though grapevines are largely self pollinating and don’t need insects like bees or butterflies to produce fruit, vineyards themselves can provide habitat for native pollinators and other insect species, benefiting both the grower and the environment. […]

Sustainable Agriculture Leadership Program news leadership-sustainable-ag-leadership-program-sustainable-ag-ssare-sare

SSARE Seeking Nominations for the 2023 Sustainable Agriculture Leadership Program

GRIFFIN, Georgia -- The Southern region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) program is seeking nominations for its Sustainable Agriculture Leadership Program for summer 2023. The application deadline is January 9, 2023. Mentor farmers/ranchers, community groups, non-profits and non-governmental organizations strive to create ag community resiliency and vitality in the face of a myriad of […]

LSU graduate student standing in soybean news insect-pests-insect-predators-conservation-plantings-stewardship-programs-soybeans-louisiana-sustainable-agriculture-ssare

Studying the Impact of Conservation Plantings on Insect Pests and Their Predators

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana – Conservation plantings, through various stewardship programs, do well to provide a myriad of benefits. These range from controlling erosion, to improving water quality, to promoting healthy soils. However, the impacts of such strategies on cash crop pests and the natural enemies that target them is less known. Louisiana State University researchers, […]

A screenshot from the 2023 Farmer Grant webinar showing a solar powered high tunnel control news view-the-2023-farmer-grants-webinar

View the 2023 Farmer Grants Webinar

The full recording of the 2023 Farmer Grants Webinar, featuring Grant Coordinator Candice Huber and multiple Farmer Grant recipient Tommye Lou Rafes, is now available. A list of additional questions and answers is available here: Subscribe to our YouTube page to stay up-to-date on all of the latest Northeast SARE videos. news the-2022-partnership-grant-projects

The 2022 Partnership Grant Projects

Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) is pleased to announce the Partnership Grant projects recommended for funding for 2022. Twenty-four projects were recommended for funding, for a total of $652,414. Connecticut Christine Georgakakos of University of Connecticut was awarded $29,057 for the project, “Pairing Residues, Resistance Genes and Microbial Community Structure to Understand Off-Farm […]