Newsroom Page: 25

Showing 241-250 of 382 results

Charolais Cow in the field with news southern-sare-awards-1m-grant-to-explore-regenerative-agriculture

Southern SARE Awards $1M Grant to Explore Regenerative Agriculture

Griffin, GA- The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program has announced a $1,000,000 Research and Education Grant, the largest awarded since the program launched in 1988.   The National Center for Appropriate Technology, the project lead, selected a systems research approach to identify practical and regionally-appropriate methods of regenerative grazing that can be implemented […]

What is Sustainable Agriculture Animation Episode news new-cover-crops-and-soil-health-video-from-sare

New “Cover Crops and Soil Health” Video from SARE

The newest episode of SARE’s "What is Sustainable Agriculture" animation series illustrates how producers can use cover crops to improve productivity and sustainability. In just a few short minutes, “Cover Crops and Soil Health” outlines how cover crops can build soil structure, protect water quality, suppress pests and improve a farm's bottom line. Combining cover […]

bee on a news imidacloprid-residue-in-the-soil-harms-wild-bees

Imidacloprid Residue in the Soil Harms Wild Bees

ATHENS, Georgia- New research funded by the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program and conducted at the University of Georgia shows that imidacloprid residue harms wild bees. In a first-of-its-kind study, Christine Fortuin, now a post-doctorate researcher at the University of Georgia, developed a more accurate understanding of the lethal and sublethal effects of […]

Greenhouse Garden full of greens and people in the news southern-sare-releases-2022-research-education-grant-call-for-pre-proposals

Southern SARE Releases 2022 Research & Education Grant Call for Pre-Proposals

GRIFFIN, Georgia -- The Southern region of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program has released its Call for Pre-proposals for the 2022 Research & Education Grants program. Applicants have a choice of whether they want to submit a systems research-based pre-proposal, or an education-based pre-proposal. Education-based grants are different than the Professional Development […]

Paul Vincelli news southern-sare-hires-1862-land-grant-liaison

Southern SARE Hires 1862 Land-Grant Liaison

Griffin, GA - Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) announces the hiring of University of Kentucky plant pathologist Paul Vincelli as its 1862 Land-Grant Liaison. Lee Meyer, extension professor emeritus at University of Kentucky’s Department of Agricultural Economics, held the long-standing position until his retirement in December 2020. Vincelli will serve as the lead […]

Magnolia Tree leaves against a blue news southern-sare-announces-the-2021-on-farm-research-grants

Southern SARE Announces the 2021 On-farm Research Grants

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program has announced the funded projects for the 2021 On-Farm Grant Program. Southern SARE has long supported farmers in their efforts to develop new and innovative sustainable agriculture practices. On-Farm Research Grants provide opportunities for agriculture professionals working directly with farmers and ranchers. These grants […]

An aerial view of the Winter Cover Crop news 2021-professional-development-program-grants-announcement

2021 Professional Development Program Grants Announcement

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program has announced the funded projects for the 2021 Professional Development Program Grants. Southern SARE’s Professional Development Program Grants, known as train-the-trainer grants, are available to help further education and outreach strategies for agriculture professionals and agriculture educators who work directly with farmers and ranchers. […]

Jordan Kramer of Winnegance Oyster news northeast-sare-announces-2021-farmer-grant-awards

Northeast SARE Announces 2021 Farmer Grant Awards

The Administrative Council of the Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program is pleased to announce that it has recently approved 29 Farmer Grant projects for funding, totaling $352,241. The Farmer Grant Program funds farmers to explore new ideas in sustainable agriculture on production, marketing, labor, farm succession, social capital and other topics. Projects […]

purple plant in the news southern-sare-announces-the-2021-research-and-education-grants

Southern SARE Announces the 2021 Research and Education Grants

GRIFFIN, Georgia – The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program has announced the funded projects for the 2021 Research and Education Grant Program. Southern SARE’s Research and Education Grants are the flagship grants of the program. They were the first grants offered when the program was launched in 1988, and were the only sustainable […]