Showing 371-380 of 391 results

Prototype Farm Machine Expands Applications in Organic Vegetable Crop Production
LEXINGTON, Kentucky – University of Kentucky researchers have designed, built and tested a low-cost, mechanized system for organic vegetable production to help small-scale growers reduce their labor costs, increase their scale of operations, reduce input costs and increase production compared to conventional organic production practices. In a Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) On-Farm […]
Abrasive Grit: A New Method of Physical Weed Control
In this story, read about how Frank Forcella's SARE-supported grit applicator field trials have shown up to 90% season-long weed control. -------- Story Source: Chris Bennett Frank Forcella was surrounded with apricot pits – a seemingly useless collection of fruit stones saved in an endless line of 5-gallon buckets. Apricot trees don’t fare well in […]

Cover Crops Effective in Controlling Bermudagrass in Organic Production
GLENWOOD, Georgia – Bermudagrass may be popular among homeowners in the Southeast, but it is widely loathed by vegetable producers – especially those in organic production. As a turfgrass, bermudagrass is valued for its durability, vigorous growth and tolerance to extreme weather conditions. But those characteristics also make it an obnoxious weed. Spreading rapidly by […]

Lessons Learned During SARE/NACAA Fellows Tour
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – Central Arkansas was the location for the spring 2015 tour for the SARE/NACAA Sustainable Agriculture Fellows program, where Cooperative Extension agents from across the country spent several days learning more about sustainable agriculture concepts. The program, sponsored by Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) and the National Association of County Agricultural Agents […]

Survey Shows Expanded Acreage and Yield Boost from Cover Crops
For the third year in a row, a national survey of farmers has shown that cover crops improve corn and soybean yields while providing a host of other benefits. The survey of more than 1,200 farmers revealed that cover crops boosted 2014 corn yields by an average of 3.7 bushels per acre (2.1 percent) and […]

Jerry DeWitt: NCR-SARE Hero
Read more about Jerry DeWitt.

George Bird: NCR-SARE Hero
Read more about George Bird.

Intensive Crop Rotations with Cover Crops Give a Boost to High-Value Cash Crops in Organic Production
ATHENS, Georgia – University of Georgia researchers developing a model for organic vegetable production in the Southeast have found success incorporating summer cover crops with high-value cool-season crops in a series of rotations that increase yields, control insects and diseases, improve crop quality and build soil biomass. The systems approach, say the researchers, can be […]

Native Warm Season Grasses Diversify Livestock Grazing/Support Biodiversity
MISSISSIPPI STATE, Mississippi – Native warm season grasses excel over more traditional commercial grass varieties when it comes to grazing livestock and promoting wildlife conservation, based on the results of a two-year Mississippi State University agroecology study. The study, funded by a Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) Graduate Student grant, compared native warm […]

Using Cover Crops for Pest Management on Small Farms
LIVE OAK, Florida – Two small farmers in Live Oak, Florida are partnering with University of Florida Extension to determine how cover crops can be used to manage insect pests. In a newly funded Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SSARE) On-Farm Research Grant, “Establishing and Evaluating Selected Cover Crops on Small Farms to Increase […]