Newsroom Page: 6

Showing 51-60 of 377 results news new-podcast-episode-building-local-food-systems-in-montana

New Podcast Episode: "Building Local Food Systems in Montana"

In this episode of ATTRA's Voices from the Field podcast, NCAT Local Food Systems Specialist Maura Henn speaks with Michal DeChellis of the Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO) in Montana. Their conversation focuses on building resilient community food webs and connecting communities to local food solutions. DeChellis is AERO’s program manager for the Montana Food […]

SARE logo featuring a yellow setting sun and two green hills with contour news sare-seeking-national-program-manager-in-support-of-food-loss-and-food-waste-initiative-in-2024

SARE Seeking National Program Manager in Support of Food Loss and Food Waste Initiative in 2024

Distributed by SARE Outreach on behalf of Southern SARE. To apply, log in to or create an account in the SARE Grant Management System using the link below. For more information, contact Southern SARE Program Director Jeff Jordan at [email protected]. GRIFFIN, Georgia -- In 2024, the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program will initiate a $10 […]

CEFS cucumbers loaded into the bed of a news sare-seeking-national-program-manager-in-support-of-food-loss-and-food-waste-initiative-in-2024

SARE Seeking National Program Manager in Support of Food Loss and Food Waste Initiative in 2024

GRIFFIN, Georgia -- In 2024, the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program will initiate a $10 million national food loss and food waste grants program to support projects that align with USDA activities aimed at reducing food loss and reducing food waste, getting surplus wholesome food to individuals, and developing linkages between food producers, […]

a man poses with a hoe in front of his urban news new-sare-bulletin-best-practices-for-the-sustainable-urban-farm

New SARE Bulletin: Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm

For decades, urban farms and community gardens have helped meet demand for fresh and local produce. Urban farming creatively utilizes limited space, conserves land and transforms vacant lots or buildings into productive greenspaces. Farming in cities can be a rewarding way for communities to grow healthy food while receiving a wide range of other interrelated environmental, […]