Newsroom Page: 6

Showing 51-60 of 380 results

farmers looking at an indoor vertical hydroponics news southern-sare-releases-2025-education-grants-call-for-proposals

Southern SARE Releases 2025 Education Grants Call for Proposals

GRIFFIN, Georgia -- The Southern region of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program has released its Call for Proposals for the 2025 Education Grants program. Education Grants are open to academic institutions and organizations, such as nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), who are interested in conducting education and outreach activities for the benefit […]

A man in a beekeeper suit holding a drawer of a beehive news ag-professionals-receiving-training-on-accessible-beekeeping-through-sare-grant

Ag Professionals Receiving Training on Accessible Beekeeping through SARE Grant

Front Royal, VA –  Justin Ruger, a beekeeper and founder of Accessible Beekeeping was granted a $75,589 Southern SARE Professional Development Program Grant to provide the historically underserved community of people with disabilities the knowledge and skills to participate in apiculture to increase their quality of life and independence. He uses YouTube videos and trains organizations at multiple universities and state extensions. Justin lost […]

tomatoes in dry news rediscovering-dry-farming

Rediscovering Dry Farming

Climate change poses a serious challenge to Western farmers. How do you grow crops profitably when rainfall and drought are becoming so unpredictable and extreme? For many producers, dry farming may offer a way forward. Instead of relying on surface irrigation throughout the summer, dry farmers are finding ways to capture water from winter rains […] news western-sare-funds-over-7-7-million-in-2024

Western SARE Funds Over $7.7 million in 2024

Western SARE’s Administrative Council has approved $7,765,941 for 82 projects throughout our region.  Projects under seven different programs were funded: “Unlike the larger USDA grants programs, Western SARE provides support for small to moderate sized family farms and ag marketing enterprises, says Regional Coordinator Clayton Marlow. “ A quick glance at the 2025 funded projects […]