
Showing 71-77 of 77 results

NAC Index of SARE-Funded Agroforestry Projects Now Online

Photo credit: Shibu Jose, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry Valuable SARE-funded agroforestry research is now even more accessible to producers and educators across the country thanks to a new online index created by the National Agroforestry Center (NAC) using data from the SARE project database. The NAC index allows users to search SARE-funded agroforestry […]

A bee on a red flower

Reflections of a SARE Fellow

The 2014-2016 cadre of SARE Fellows visited numerous farms in Arkansas, Nebraska, Idaho, and West Virginia to study sustainable agricultural practices. The Fellows themselves were from Florida, Maine, Missouri, and Washington; they overlapped with eight other Fellows who were either starting or ending their two-year study period. The various locations visited, diverse enterprises studied, and range […]

People standing around a pier talking

SARE Fellows Visit Oregon

Every year since 2007, USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension program (SARE) and the National Association of County Agriculture Agents (NACAA) has offered a national Fellows program. The program is designed for Extension faculty who are interested in learning more about sustainable agriculture in different parts of the country. Eight Fellows, two from each of […]

SARE/NACAA Fellows Visit the Cornhusker State

Nebraska’s landscape is one of distant horizons, rolling plains, sandy hills, and acre after acre of agriculture. In a state where ninety-three percent of the state’s land is in production agriculture, cattle ranches span thousands of acres, and local food systems are on the rise, learning opportunities abounded for a group of educators like the […]

Fellows at Wye Mountain Berries

Lessons Learned During SARE/NACAA Fellows Tour

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas – Central Arkansas was the location for the spring 2015 tour for the SARE/NACAA Sustainable Agriculture Fellows program, where Cooperative Extension agents from across the country spent several days learning more about sustainable agriculture concepts. The program, sponsored by Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) and the National Association of County Agricultural Agents […]

People gathered looking a sample of soil in a bin

Testimonials from Past Fellows

Each year, four Extension agents are selected to participate in the SARE/NACAA Sustainable Agriculture Fellows program. The following are reflections from a few Fellows on their experiences in the program.