Recent Highlights from the Northeast Region
Northeast SARE is committed to funding projects that address social sustainability because we need resilient farmers and communities if agriculture is to thrive into the future. Over the past two years, our Administrative Council approved 22 projects, totaling $1.5 million, that focus on social issues, including ones on farm succession planning, resilient farmer networks, the experiences of queer farmers and farmers of color, effective time management, connections to consumers and local communities, and structural racism in our food system.
- We’ve always been committed to seeing grantees in our Research and Education program report on how their projects are leading to farmer adoption of sustainable practices. However, this approach has not fully allowed potential grantees to explore new approaches, so Northeast SARE has launched a new track within our Research and Education program that allows grantees to explore the feasibility of new practices and approaches that are unproven, yet have high potential for farmer adoption.
- Northeast SARE’s Partnership grant program funds projects that involve direct partnership between farmers and ag professionals because such collaborations are critical to the development of innovative solutions to current sustainability challenges. To better allow for projects that are longer, more complex and enlist more collaborators, we’ve increased the funding cap for Partnership grant proposals to $30,000.
Stories from the Field
A sampler of recent projects from the Northeast region.
Strengthening Interpersonal Relationships On and Off the Farm
Driving Birds Away from Corn Fields with a Laser Scarecrow
Balancing Farm Viability with Serving Local Low-Income Families