Amish Dedication to Farming and Adoption of Organic Dairy Systems. Re-Thinking Organic Food and Farming in a Changing World. 2014. Brock, C., and B. Barham. The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural, and Food Ethics. Vol. 22.
Comparative study of organic and conventional tomato production systems: An approach to on-farm research. 1991. Shennan, C., L.E. Drinkwater, A.H.C. van Bruggen, D.K. Letourneau, and F. Workneh. In Alternative Agriculture, part 2, ed. J.P. Madden, pp. 109–132. National Academy Press: Washington, DC. Describes how a multidisciplinary team handled the experimental design for a study comparing distinct management systems.
Farm structural change of a different kind: Alternative dairy farms in Wisconsin: graziers, organic and Amish. 2009. Brock, C., and B. Barham. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24(1): 25–37.
Landscape-level variation in soil resources and microbial properties in a no-till corn field. 2005. Cavigelli, M.A., L.L. Lengnick, J.S. Buyer, D. Fravel, Z. Handoo, G. McCarty, P. Millner, L. Sikora, S. Wright, B. Vinyard, and M. Rabenhorst. Applied Soil Ecology 29: 99–123. Provides an excellent example of how to conduct a spatial analysis in preparation for laying out a large cropping systems experiment.
Methods in Ecosystem Science. 2000. Sala, O.E., R.B. Jackson, H.A Mooney, and R.W. Howarth. Springer-Verlag: New York, NY. Covers techniques commonly used to study carbon and energy dynamics as well as nutrient and water dynamics at the ecosystem scale, and gives examples of how to design manipulative ecosystem experiments. Detailed information about various methods will help researchers choose those most appropriate for their particular studies.
‘Milk is milk’: Organic dairy adoption decisions and bounded rationality. 2013. Brock, C., and B. Barham. Sustainability 5(12): 5416–5441.
Writing Successful Science Proposals. 2000. Friedland, A.J., and C.L. Folt. Yale University Press: New Haven, CT. Does not explicitly address collaborative work but does contain abundant useful information for proposal writing.