www.sare.org resources the-basics-of-farm-business-planning The Basics of Farm Business Planning Sustainable farming and ranching means taking care of the land, the environment, people and the community, while the farm business makes a profit. Many farmers and ranchers choose sustainable farming and ranching as a lifestyle that reflects their values. Common goals include: Farm business planning is critical because it helps you to identify and achieve […]
www.sare.org resources ecosystem-services-from-cover-crops Ecosystem Services from Cover Crops The Ecosystem Services from Cover Crops resources found on this page include a series of fact sheets, three infographics and one PowerPoint slide set. Together, these resources address the role of cover crops in nutrient management, erosion, infiltration, soil organic matter, supporting wildlife and beneficial insects, and carbon sequestration. They are available for use by educators, […]
www.sare.org resources cover-crops-image-library Cover Crop Image Library Images, Illustrations and Presentations This page includes free resources educators and farmers can use in outreach and educational activities related to cover crops. Available resources include a database of cover crop images, ready-made PowerPoint presentations on cover crop topics, and soil health illustrations. Cover Crop Image Library The SARE Cover Crop Image Library is hosted […]
www.sare.org resources 2023-2024-report-from-the-field 2023–2024 Report from the Field SARE grants havehelped our viabilityas a business anddemonstrated thatsmall businessescan make a positiveimpact on theenvironment when wedevelop relationshipswith each other forthe benefit of all. Jeanine SeabrookGlass Rooster Cannery Letter from the Director I have always appreciated the value of long-term research as well as the long-term impact of both applied and basic research. The core […]
www.sare.org resources que-es-la-agricultura-sostenible ¿Qué es la Agricultura Sostenible? Una forma sencilla de pensar en la agricultura sostenible es que implica producir suficientes alimentos y fibra para satisfacer las necesidades actuales sin comprometer la capacidad de las generaciones futuras para hacer lo mismo. Los agricultores y ganaderos que valoran la sostenibilidad adoptan tres objetivos comunes mientras llevando a cabo operaciones productivas: Para lograr estos […]
www.sare.org resources guia-del-agricultorn-sobre-estructuras-empresariales Guía del Agricultorn Sobre Estructuras Empresariales Establecer y mantener la correcta estructura empresarial para la operación de su granja sienta las bases para un negocio agrícola estable y resiliente. La formación de una estructura empresarial puede ayudar a i) gestionar el riesgo mediante la protección de los activos de las personas propietarias ante las responsabilidades de la empresa; ii) promover las […]
www.sare.org resources best-practices-for-the-sustainable-urban-farm Best Practices for the Sustainable Urban Farm For decades, urban farms and community gardens have helped meet the demand for fresh, local produce. Urban farms are diverse and adaptable, ranging from small farms on repurposed vacant lots to multilevel vertical farms and rooftop gardens. Often, they combine ecological farming practices with some form of infrastructure. Urban growers make clever use of their […]
www.sare.org resources what-is-sustainable-agriculture What is Sustainable Agriculture? A simple way to think about sustainable agriculture is that it involves producing enough food and fiber to satisfy today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. Farmers and ranchers who value sustainability embrace three common goals while running productive operations: To achieve these sustainability goals, a farmer typically views […]
www.sare.org resources leaders-in-sustainable-agriculture Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture Featured on America's Heartland SARE partnered with PBS KVIE to produce an episode of RFD-TV's America's Heartland that features four farmers describing their commitment to sustainability, how they plan to meet farming challenges of today and tomorrow, and how SARE has impacted their farming and ranching practices. The full 24-minute video is available, as is each segment featuring the […]
www.sare.org resources farming-with-soil-life Farming with Soil Life This handbook, created by The Xerces Society, dives into soil biology. It provides a connection between healthy soils and healthy invertebrates found in temperate agricultural soils. Farming with Soil Life starts with a review of soil basics, including the functions, classifications and properties (physical, biological and chemical) of soil. It provides detailed methods on how […]