Showing 11-17 of 17 results
The Organic Seed Grower
The Organic Seed Grower is a comprehensive manual for the serious vegetable grower who is interested in growing high-quality seeds using organic farming practices.
Organic Seed, Soils and Sustainable Business
This project provided agricultural professionals with more knowledge of organic seed, soil management and sustainable business practices. From the trainings, a webinar and tutorial were developed.
Organic Broccoli Production Manual
Steps that farmers took to scale up organic broccoli production to meet local wholesale demand.
Tomato Grafting for Disease Resistance and Increased Productivity
Researchers around the world have demonstrated that grafting—the fusing of a scion (young shoot) onto a resistant rootstock—can protect plants against a variety of soil-borne fungal, bacterial, viral and nematode diseases invarious climates and conditions.
Season-Long Strawberry Production with Everbearers for Northeastern Producers
This 70-page guide outlines profitable production techniques and research on everbearing strawberry varieties, including information on both field production and the use of high tunnels for season extension.
Cover Crops for All Seasons
This Virginia Association for Biological Farming information sheet provides research-based information on a cover crop “toolbox” from which growers can select cover crops most suited to their regions and production systems.
Diversifying Cropping Systems
This bulletin describes some of the many agronomic crop alternatives to use in rotations, with plentiful examples of on-farm successes.