Showing 31-40 of 84 results
Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities
This guide lists funding opportunities offered by federal programs, and is indispensable for anyone seeking government help to foster their innovative enterprise in forestry and agriculture.
Avicultura Rentable
Avicultura Rentable: Criando Aves en Pasturas es una guía que incluye experiencias de agricultores y lo último en investigación para criar pollos y pavos usando corrales, cercos portátiles y pasturas.
FARMDATA is an online system for tracking and reporting crop production data, particularly for organic vegetable growers. The system can be used for keeping records on seeding, transplanting, harvest, cover crops, compost, fertilization, irrigation, pest scouting and spraying activities, packing, distribution and customer invoicing. FARMDATA uses smart forms that help with calculations and remember key data.
The Small Ruminant Toolbox
This Small Ruminant Toolbox is a large collection of publications, presentations and other resources that will be helpful to small ruminant producers and educators.
Farm to Hospital Toolkit
Tools farmers and hospitals can use to increase direct hospital purchases from local producers.
Safe and Profitable Oil Production Fact Sheets
Information on edible oil production for small-scale producers.
Organic Seed, Soils and Sustainable Business
This project provided agricultural professionals with more knowledge of organic seed, soil management and sustainable business practices. From the trainings, a webinar and tutorial were developed.
Profitable Poultry
Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a guide to raising chickens and turkeys using pens, movable fencing and pastures.
Walk-In Coolers for Winter Storage
Resources for farmers interested in on-farm winter storage options for season extension. Each resource offers a case study for a specific facility construction, and both outline important considerations for a winter storage facility.
Moving Nursery Producers Toward Sustainable Practices Fact Sheets
These fact sheets discuss alternative containers, marketing and crop selection, alternatives to synthetic herbicides and integrated pest management in commercial nursery plant production.