Farm Business Management

Showing 31-40 of 83 results

USB thumb drive

The Small Ruminant Toolbox

This Small Ruminant Toolbox is a large collection of publications, presentations and other resources that will be helpful to small ruminant producers and educators.

Avicultura Rentable cover featuring three pictures of a family, chickens, and a machine.

Avicultura Rentable

Avicultura Rentable: Criando Aves en Pasturas es una guía que incluye experiencias de agricultores  y lo último en investigación para criar pollos y pavos usando corrales, cercos portátiles y pasturas.

Organic Seed, Soils and Sustainable Business

This project provided agricultural professionals with more knowledge of organic seed, soil management and sustainable business practices. From the trainings, a webinar and tutorial were developed.

Kansas State high tunnel video series

Kansas State High Tunnel Video Series

This video series was developed by Kansas State Research and Extension, and includes segments on the following topics related to commercial high tunnel or hoop house production: Overview | Design | What to Plant | Basic Management Considerations | Intensive Management | Resources