Season Extension

Showing 31-36 of 36 results

Snowy building with solar panels on the roof and winter trees behind.

Thermal Banking Greenhouses

Steven Schwen uses thermal banking to significantly reduce the energy costs of running a greenhouse for cold-season production.

thermal banking for cold storage

Thermal Banking for Cold Storage

Steven Schwen's innovative energy conservation strategy uses thermal banking technology to conserve heat in his greenhouse and for cold storage.

Cover image of Clean Energy Farming

Clean Energy Farming

Clean Energy Farming: Cutting Costs, Improving Efficiencies, Harnessing Renewables features innovative SARE-funded research and examples of farmers who are improving energy efficiency while saving money, implementing farming practices that both save energy and protect natural resources, and producing and using renewable fuels.

high tunnels mannual

High Tunnels

This manual on using high tunnels or hoop houses for season extension includes case studies, a supplier list and chapters on marketing, site selection, construction and types, and soil, pest and environmental management.