Looking for practical information on sustainable farming and ranching, or for training opportunities? Here's what SARE has to offer.

Learning and Resources
Find practical information on soil health, ecological pest management, rotational grazing, marketing, social resilience and many other important topics in sustainable agriculture. Both print and online resources are available. Materials are produced by both SARE and SARE grantees.
Research Results
Search through the results of thousands of on-farm research and education projects to learn from others' experiences. Filter by topic or state to find project reports that are relevant to you.
Professional Development Program
Our train-the-trainer program includes a competitive grant program for educational projects, continuing education opportunities and local training activities. Visit our state programs page to find out what's available in your area.
Publishing with SARE Outreach
Our national outreach office publishes books, bulletins, videos and other educational products for farmers, ranchers and Extension educators. If you're seeking a publishing partner, learn how to submit a project proposal to SARE Outreach.